What Does Being Beautiful Really Mean
Simply because the world needs more wholesome goodness. Introducing #TheHappyCorner, where the idea to be happy is just so simple. And hopefully, will bring a smile on your beautiful face. We have all met them before. Those confident, beautiful, successful people who can inspire everyone around them with every word they say or even just by breathing […]
Unexpected Surprise in Poland

In AIESEC, we believe in developing leadership through practical experiences in challenging environment, and we do this by delivering cross-cultural exchanges. We have created thousands of stories ever since we started in Malaysia 50 years ago. Here’s just one of them. Communicating with the Polish locals was the most challenging thing! Up until that moment […]
This Article Will (most probably) Not Change Your Life
Simply because the world needs more wholesome goodness. Introducing #TheHappyCorner, where the idea to be happy is just so simple. And hopefully, will bring a smile on your beautiful face. We are living in a world where we are made to feel small about ourselves every single day. We might not notice it, because the effects […]
How Being in a Multicultural Environment Changed Me
Story by Jackie Park The first time I lived abroad was as a student learning Mandarin here in Beijing. It is not uncommon for Chinese-Filipino families to send their children to China or Taiwan to study Mandarin for a semester or two before finding a job, and I happened to be one of those kids. […]
Volunteering taught Andy skills that could Never be Learnt at University
Andy, who took part in many volunteering activities in Wales and abroad. This volunteering journey helped him start a career in humanitarian work abroad. Andy was an active volunteer with UNA Exchange in early 2000s. He took part in many volunteering activities in Wales and abroad, including a Long Term European Voluntary Service in Iceland. “When […]
Stop Searching for Passion
Passion is a feeling, an instinct. If you have to search for a passion, chances are it is not a passion at all.
20-year-old Girl Volunteers in Thailand
It can not only be a memorable and life-affirming experience, but a life-changing experience as well.
It’s Big, Hairy and Audacious – And It’s A Goal!

I stumbled across the term BHAG, or Big Hairy Audacious Goal by chance. And eventually, I created mine. And you can too!
Top 5 Fears All Successful People Must Overcome
Fears can hold people back and keep us locked in a prison of their own making.
7 Ways To Budget Travelling

Travelling is an expensive luxury that only the wealthy could afford — or is it?