2020 is a year where everyone faces unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it has threatened young people the most. According to Statista, the youth unemployment rate in Malaysia in the year 2020 was estimated at 11.72%, which is the highest since 1999. AIESEC as well has been shifting operations, people and financial strategies to stay sustainable and continue to impact the youths.
The annual report highlights the community impacts, employer branding initiatives, youth engagements and financial model of AIESEC in Malaysia in the year 2019/20. It provides an overview of impacting and involving youths through AIESEC in Malaysia’s community programmes and acts according to the community’s needs even in the midst of pandemic.

The annual report also provides information on AIESEC membership and the national and local touchpoints to engage youths in different training, upskilling and leadership initiatives such as leadership development conferences, summits and training. By hosting virtual YouthSpeak Forums, we managed to engage with more than 100,000 youths digitally across all universities with the industry experts and discuss the future work forces in Malaysia.

Other than that, the digital campaigns such as LEAD Today and Byte-Sized Leadership have successfully reached more than 8,000 and 28,000 youths respectively through the live engagement with partners and light & relevant content about leadership. We conduct conversations that are able to bridge the industry’s conversation with youths and generate contents that connect the youths with thought leaders from different sectors.
AIESEC in Malaysia has produced this summary to give our stakeholders an overview of the performance over the year 2019/20. We sincerely appreciate our national projects, LEAD Today partners, local projects learning and financial partners, production partners, internship partners and the universities, AIESEC members and most importantly, the Malaysian community in supporting and trusting AIESEC in Malaysia. AIESEC in Malaysia Annual Report 2019/20 is available to download, please click to download the full annual report.