Activating Leadership: The 6 AIESEC Values in Daily Life (ft. Stefan Dawson)

AIESEC is a global platform for youth to develop leadership by cultivating AIESEC values. It is stimulating yet challenging to nurture others and develop leadership because leadership is not just a position; it is action.
A letter to Malaysia – ‘Home’

Home, to me, is a lot of things; and Malaysia is all of them – because Malaysia is my home.
Embracing Global Perspectives

In the previous blog post, I mentioned that having a global perspective would suppress ‘groupthink’ as one of the benefits of diversity. The global perspective has been emphasized especially in education. Teachers are trying to make the students view issues from many different angles. The world is a system, countries are interconnected and everyone, without […]
Diversity in self-development: A youth perspective

“I could be myself more in my Executive Boards (EBs) team probably due to the diverse environment as one of the reasons which make me feel equal and comfortable.” – Victoria, Local Committee President (LCP) of AIESEC in Leeds 21/22 Studying abroad is my first international experience which is further solidified through my participation in […]
Be A Proud Malaysian

I am a very detailed person and sometimes I really hate that of me because I would spend lots of time in making a choice. Well, I had to admit that I’ve spent around 3 months searching for the right project in AIESEC portal. At last, I decided to volunteer as summer camp helper in […]
Buckle Up Millennials, It’s Time To Change The World

We’re loud, we’re proud, and we’re here to make a change.
10 Reasons Why Malaysians Should Volunteer Abroad

The Boleh spirit! Sometimes, the best way to verify the truth is simply to live it yourself.
8 Phrases Only Malaysians Understand

Nothing wrong with that, right?
Youth Impact Forum | How Youth Changes The World?
This is the question that AIESEC always seeks to answer. This is the core question of our very existence, as we believe in the power of creating future leaders through exchange to help build a better world. This summer, we received many young leaders from all over the world to Malaysia for a life-changing journey with the local society here.
So the next question is:
An Exciting Adventure with 20 Youths from Different Nations

Having spent 6 weeks in a country that barely understands English, it was already a great challenge just to get food and transport moreover doing what my project needs, introducing my culture. It was always said that everyone has a different perspective, and I did not realize how much it can affect the crowd until I personally had to experience it. What I’ve learnt is that, things that may seem to be the truth, that is normal to us can be in a different light in somebody else’s culture and frame of reference.