Experience Arabia! Facilitate at Gulf Conference 2010 in Dubai!

AIESEC in Malaysia


Have you ever wanted to experience the unique culture and beauty of the Middle East?

Do you want to visit one of the jewels of Arabia?

Do you want to connect with one of the youngest and fastest growing regions in the AIESEC network?


Then apply to facilitate at the 4th Gulf Talent Conference in Dubai, November 10th – 13th!

>>> The Gulf Conference will bring together around 150 members and leaders from across the Gulf region and the wider AIESEC network, including the AIESEC Gulf countries of UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

>>> This is a fantastic opportunity to gain international facilitation experience in an emerging AIESEC region with a rich and unique culture!

Conference dates: 10th – 13th November, 2010
Pre-/ Post-Meeting:
8th – 9th; 14th November
Faci application deadline: 12th October, 6pm GMT

Application Forms:

Send completed applications to Sam at [email protected] by 12 October!

We look forward to reading your application

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