AIESEC in Malaysia

As a fellow Malaysian, we can’t help but possess some daily habits that defines us as Malaysians. Below is a list of 7 things that we like to do when travelling.

1. Change Our Accent

The magic of being a Malaysian lies not only with our ability to speak multiple languages fluently, but to completely change our accent according to the country we’re in.

2. Malaysian English

Let’s face it, even though we can mask our accent, we can’t really eliminate our inner-Malaysianess of using “lah”, “loh”, “leh”, “liao”, “ha”, “hor”, “meh”, “mah”…

3. Try All The Local Foods

It is true that while Malaysia is a paradise of delicacies, but we haven’t really had the chance to try out local (and original) cuisines from all around the world. Do you know that our famous Sirap Bandung is not even from Bandung, Indonesia?

4. Taking Food Pictures

Taking pictures of a scenery or a selfie is common enough for travelers, but taking food pictures and posting it in Instagram/Facebook? Now that’s Malaysian-style!

5. Mind The Money

As a fellow Malaysian, we can’t help but to count every single Ringgit we use during our travel because as the old saying goes, “All Ringgit counts”.

6. Go To Cold Places

Our beautiful country is hot and humid all year round, so when we travel, we will tend to go places which is colder, windier, and most probably in a different season.

7. Planned vs Spontaneous

We don’t usually go on an unplanned travel. Be it a day trip, or a week-long getaway, we always plan ahead for where to eat, where to stay, what to do etc.
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