4 Insights Changing the Way You Hire and Retain Young Talent

AIESEC in Malaysia

DID YOU KNOW that approximately 1.9 million graduates in Malaysia are underemployed? 

The youths in Malaysia have been losing job opportunities in the shrinking job market in the midst of the global pandemic. AIESEC in Malaysia has been working with the youth for several decades and continuously innovate & develop to fit the needs of youths in Malaysia even in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.

AIESEC in Malaysia has conducted a survey in January 2021 and has collected more than 500 responses across 24 universities in Malaysia. Moreover, our respondents are at the age of 19 to 24. Reimagining the Future of Work: Youth Leadership Development report highlights the youths’ insights toward the workforce and the existing employer branding initiatives of the companies in Malaysia.

This report aims to be the bridge between workforce and youth in order to achieve the following objectives:

  • To provide youths’ insights and perspectives toward workforce;
  • To provide a holistic view of employer branding initiatives in Malaysia; 
  • To support AIESEC in Malaysia’s partners in planning and initiating youth engagement activities for talent acquisition.

Technology has completely changed the way we work and communicate over the decades. Therefore, our report provides an understanding of youth preferences and perspectives in the fast-changing environment. Understanding what youths are looking for while applying for a job will benefit in the process of talent acquisition & engagement with youth. The report shows the youth insights towards the current workforce in Malaysia:

Have you ever imagined the workforce after COVID-19?

Before the pandemic, working physically is always the first and probably the only choice when it comes to the workforce, however, the preference has changed from working physically to working remotely during the Movement Control Order (MCO) back in March 2020. The report has also shown the role preferences and working culture & routine of youth as their first job after graduation. 



The report also compiled the initiatives that are often being used for employer branding, talent acquisition and youth engagement across five different industries in Malaysia. With the table shown in the report, companies could easily understand the gap to bridge youth and work sectors by focusing on the initiative that brings the most ROI and least efforts.

AIESEC in Malaysia has compiled both primary and secondary research outputs in this report to be the bridge between the youth and workforce. We sincerely hope that the findings and insights of this report could be beneficial to you.


The sample pages of report are as below:



Interested to read the full report? Please leave your general information below and our team will send you a copy of the report!

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Fion Chua

B2B Marketing Content Creator of AIESEC in Malaysia

A person who loves to put herself in challenging environments. Being empathetic is personality that support her along the journey.

Fion Chua

B2B Marketing Content Creator of AIESEC in Malaysia

A person who loves to put herself in challenging environments. Being empathetic is personality that support her along the journey.

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